Transmetodologia como identidade: uma epistemologia transformadora na pesquisa em comunicação
Transmethodology, Communication, Epistemology, Science, IdentityAbstract
Science and communication affect and are affected by reality whilst requiring a break with the superficial and conditioned common sense, unlike the ancient knowledge that have been built with lots of mental engineering by different peoples. Therefore, this article aims at proposing an alternative way of thinking about the way we do science in communication, valuing personal experiences and intending them according to the different theoretical currents, seeking to understand the diversity under different prisms. Thus, our article defends the transmetodological proposal formulated by Alberto Efendy Maldonado as an epistemic identity.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Renata Cardoso de Almeida, Alberto Efendy Maldonado Gómez de la Torre
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