Body and digital culture in education: contemporary studies


  • Wilton Garcia



body, digital culture, education, language, technology.


Among cell phone equipment, computer, internet and MP4, digital culture seems realign the idea of body, especially in the current context of education. So we must rethink the emerging situations of contemporary challenges. This paper introduces a conceptual and critical thinking, taking some strategic sociocultural aspects of communication that absorb this interdisciplinary context in the teaching- -learning environment. Image, experience and subjectivity list itself as discursive categories, which are included so diluted over the proposal. Thus, contemporary studies serve critically as the base for the theory-methodology approach, trying to see how the processes occur to update the language and innovation in the classroom everyday.


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Author Biography

  • Wilton Garcia
    Pós-doutor em Multimeios pelo IA/Unicamp e doutor em Comunicação pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. É artista visual, pesquisador e professor com experiência na área de arte, comunicação e design sobre estudos contemporâneos.



How to Cite

Garcia, W. (2010). Body and digital culture in education: contemporary studies. Comunicação & Educação, 15(3), 39-46.