“But after all, what do women want?" Women's place in the work Em Surdina





Woman, Criticism, Tradition, 1930s, Lúcia Miguel Pereira


Em Surdina (1933) is the second novel published by Lúcia Miguel Pereira. As Luís Bueno (2006) explains, this work has a strong documental tendency which is common in the social novels of the 1930s. Thus, it highlights the contradictions of time, from the breakdown of values, turning into habits, to the mediating role of work in the construction of identities, the economy and international relations. However, the most evident dialogue with the context can be seen in the characters' posture, especially in some women’s fear of living life. In the narrative, there are characters that experience different types of sensations; however, the narrative is led by Cecília whose existence has been questioned since the marriage proposal. If in the traditional discourse, marriage is the man’s form of control over the woman, conversely, in this narrative, marriage is considered in a critical way as the only way for women to enjoy life. This invitation to seize the day provokes in Cecília a certain questioning about herself and about the traditional context that conditions the practices, especially of women. Therefore, the narrative presents us with mechanisms for reflecting on the woman's way of life and the place they occupy in that society, both fictional and real.


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Author Biography

  • Edwirgens Aparecida Ribeiro Lopes de Almeida, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

    Pós doutora em Literatura brasileira - UFMG. Doutora em Literatura- UNB. Doutora em Literatura espanhola e hispano-americana-USP. Professora do Departamento de Comunicação e letras e do Programa de Pós-graduação em letras/literatura da Unimontes-MG. Autora dos livros O legado ficcional de Lúcia Miguel pereira- escritos da tradição, e Por trás do véu e da espada”- o disfarce subjacente à representação das personagens cervantinas, publicados pela Editora Mulheres e Crítica, poética e relações de gênero: uma releitura de Memórias de um sargento de milícias, publicado pela Editora Annablume, dentre outros.


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How to Cite

Almeida, E. A. R. L. de. (2021). “But after all, what do women want?" Women’s place in the work Em Surdina. Revista Criação & Crítica, 29, 105-120. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.i29p105-120