The marks of the female body: a feminist reading of Rupi Kaur




Rupi Kaur, Poetry, Women, Feminism, Instapoetry


The article discusses how the Indian poet Rupi Kaur explores the female body in the construction of her texts and performances, when talking about women and to women. Kaur refers to a female body that is subjugated, raped, however that can and should be understood from a new reading. The poet makes use of a new form of dissemination of contemporary poetry in the digital space and the article also seeks to understand the role of Instagram in this process, analyzing the phenomenon popularly known as Instapoetry.


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How to Cite

Martins, M. S., & Costa, C. H. (2020). The marks of the female body: a feminist reading of Rupi Kaur. Revista Criação & Crítica, 28, 307-319.