Una mirada desde la alcantarilla: a vocal version of Alejandra Pizarnik homonymous poem


  • Inés Terra Brandes Universidade de São Paulo




Alejandra Pizarnik, Literary double, Vocal exploration, Vocal performativity, Performing machine, Corporeality


This article discusses the piece Una mirada de la Alcantarilla, a vocal piece created from the reading of the homonymous poem by Argentine writer Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972) and presented as part of the third chapter “Voice as practice” in my dissertation on master's degree. This work emphasizes the knowledge of voice as an expanded process of creation and approaches reading and voice research from the perspective of performance and performativity, valuing poetry as a starting point for musical composition and drawing parallels between the notion of double as a literary strategy and the double as an unfolding of the self during vocal exploration. Pizarnik's nomadic writing and her view of the body as a threshold (between different types of corporeality) direct sound research towards the alternation of types of vocal emission and, at the same time, towards the appreciation of subtle transitions between vocalities.


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How to Cite

Brandes, I. T. (2021). Una mirada desde la alcantarilla: a vocal version of Alejandra Pizarnik homonymous poem. Revista Criação & Crítica, 31(31), 32-50. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.i31p32-50