Reading: inferenceson Fernando Sabino’swork


  • Ricardo Santos David Universidad Europea del Atlántico



Inferences, implicit operations, text interpretation.


Analysis of inferences in texts, with the objective of demonstrating that the sense, even the literal one, is implicit in the discourse in different degrees. The comprehension of these texts indicates inferencial operations, what it means that the reader must attent to the logical questions and to the discursive or argumentative ones in different kinds of texts and that they are important to the construction of the sense of a text.



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Author Biography

  • Ricardo Santos David, Universidad Europea del Atlántico
    Professor de Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa para o Ensino Fundamental I e II,  pós-graduado em docência do Ensino Superior, mestrado em Educação: Formação de Professores e doutorado em Educação.


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FREDERIKSEN, J.R Semantic processing units in understanding text. In: FREEDLE, 0. (org).Discourse production and comprehension. Ablex: Northwood, 1977.



How to Cite

David, R. S. (2017). Reading: inferenceson Fernando Sabino’swork. Revista Crioula, 1(19), 317-340.