On The Tracks of memory

Mayombe and Noites de Vigília between Angolan literature and history


  • Adelino Pereira dos Santos Universidade do Estado da Bahia
  • Derneval Andrade Ferreira Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia




Memory, History, Angola, Pepetela, Boaventura Cardoso



The aim of this work is to present reflections on the place of memory in the construction of the history of the struggle of the Angolan people against European colonialism, symbolically recorded in the narratives of the novels Mayombe, by Pepetela, and Noites de Vigília, by Boaventura Cardoso, considering the theoretical  studies from the Cultural History and Literary Criticism. When the fictional text is taken as the basis for studies concerning memory, it is necessary to understand the various aspects that literature assumes as a research tool. In this case, the literary text, among other functions, can almost assume a place of memory, since the fictitious text presents certain aspects that revolve the memory, thus contributing to the re-signification of roles, a better cultural understanding and also to reevaluate certain activities and social practices. A first version of this text was presented as a section of chapter in the doctoral thesis on Ethnic and African Studies, by one of the authors of this work, defended in 2016.



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Author Biography

  • Derneval Andrade Ferreira, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia

    Doutor em Estudos Étnicos e Africanos pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia. 


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Dossiê 23: A experiência étnico-racial nas literaturas de língua portuguesa

How to Cite

Santos, A. P. dos, & Ferreira, D. A. (2019). On The Tracks of memory: Mayombe and Noites de Vigília between Angolan literature and history. Revista Crioula, 1(23), 231-248. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-7169.crioula.2019.154391