Violence, criminalization and genocide in Capão Pecado


  • Clarissa Damasceno Melo Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz



Drug trafic, Genocide, Drug policy, Racism, Marginal literature


In this paper, we analyze the novel Capão Pecado (2000), written by Ferréz, looking for the representation made of the negro and his inscription in novels that (re) think the favela and its problems, as drug policy. For this, at first, we discuss the differences between the literature on the black and the literature of the black, in the national context of eradication of black culture and marginalization of periphery, centralizing the process of updating the colonizing discourse and genocide of the poor and black population. Afterwards, we discuss the implications between legal discourse and social control, which institutionalize the punitive selectivity and genocide of the poor and black youth, while we properly analyze in the novel. In conclusion, we understand that this literary work shows that the war on drugs has translated into a war on the poor and, over the years, has turned into black genocide.


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Dossiê 23: A experiência étnico-racial nas literaturas de língua portuguesa

How to Cite

Melo, C. D. (2019). Violence, criminalization and genocide in Capão Pecado. Revista Crioula, 1(23), 279-300.