The fractured identity in Grace Passô’s enunciative process


  • Wellington de Oliveira e Silva dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo



Vaga carne, Grace Passô , Necropolitics, Fractured identity , Enunciative process


The enunciative process of the playwright Grace Passô proposes an analysis of the necropolitics ingrained in the black-female-body of her protagonist of the play "Vaga carne". Through the construction and deconstruction of writing, it is possible to reflect on a black subjectivity in experience from the meanings sewn by the political-cultural-social-literary discourses that confront the ruling layer.



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Author Biography

  • Wellington de Oliveira e Silva dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

    Graduado em Letras. Mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa (PPGECLLP-USP).



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Dossiê n. 28: Produções contemporâneas que impactam o cenário literário

How to Cite

Santos, W. de O. e S. dos. (2021). The fractured identity in Grace Passô’s enunciative process. Revista Crioula, 28, 170-182.