Revolution by word: literary movement of young brazilian black writers


  • Viviane Carvalho Lopes Universidade de São Paulo



Young black writers, Afro-Brazilian literature, Fiction, Short stories, Poems


 Black representations were, over time, excluded and silenced from the Brazilian literary scene via institutional and symbolic racism, which rejected both authors and characters of African origin. This silent history of black voices has been broken, at the same time, by a movement of life and writing of young black writers, who revolutionize Brazilian literature with their experiences, in addition to an innovative stylistic. Like this, we have the book of short stories Pequenas ficções de memórias (2018) by Zainne Lima da Silva, and the poems anthology Mulher-palavra (2021) by Thaíse Santana, which are marked by a poetic beauty that reflects culture and politics, crossed by experiences from the black population, especially black and peripheral women. In this attempt, it seeks to present, in this work, in what ways these writers are innovating literature, pointing to the breaking of silences and masks, following the line of reasoning of the researcher Grada Kilomba, in Plantation Memories – Episodes of Everyday Racism (2008), in order to become subject/protagonists of their stories.


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Dossiê n. 27: Os desafios em face da pandemia

How to Cite

Lopes, V. C. (2021). Revolution by word: literary movement of young brazilian black writers. Revista Crioula, 27, 183-198.