Gender-based violence in Tereza Batista cansada da guerra
Brazilian Literature, Gender, ViolenceAbstract
This paper concerns about gender-based violence in relation to the literary work Tereza Batista cansada de Guerra (1972) by Jorge Amado and it aims at seeking answers to the following questions: How is gender-based violence represented in the novel? Which female characters suffer such violence? How do they react to it? As for the theoretical background, the thoughts of Saffioti (1999), Moore (2000), Bandeira (2014), Spivak (2010), Gomes (2014), XXXXX (2020), Grijalva (2020), Xavier (2021) among others were relevant for the construction of this hermeneutical reading from the literary text, specially to notice the gender-based violence as a structural and systemic issue that subjugates women. The findings lead to the fact that gender-based violence is diversify due to the type as well as to the victimized female characters. Those prior ones may be categorized in three distinct groups: those who promote gender-based violence against other female characters; the ones who are resigned to the gender-based violence they suffer and naturalize their reality; and the ones who struggle against gender-based violence.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luiz Izaac dos Santos Ribeiro, Maria do Socorro Pinheiro
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