From fish to human: Metamorphoses and interactions between animals and humans in two narratives from the book Murũgawa


  • Marina Almeida Simões do Nascimento Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Indigenous myths;, Youth literature;, Yaguarê Yamã.


Based on two short stories published in the book Murũgawa (2007), by Yaguarê Yamã, this paper will attempt to analyze how the indigenous worldview reveals itself both in the plot and in the way these stories are told. In these works, targeted at a younger audience, the interactions and metamorphoses show us how the indigenous peoples perceive animals: as spiritual beings with their own subjectivity. This study bases itself on the contributions of literary studies and anthropology, especially in the theory of Amerindian perspectivism.


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Author Biography

  • Marina Almeida Simões do Nascimento, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Mestranda. Graduada em Letras.


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Dossiê n. 29: Estudos Comparados Hoje

How to Cite

From fish to human: Metamorphoses and interactions between animals and humans in two narratives from the book Murũgawa. (2022). Revista Crioula, 29, 199-217.