I would never go back there: Writing as a practice of life in the poetry of Estela Rosa


  • Caio Arnizaut Riscado Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Estela Rosa, writing as practice of life, community, memory;, unspecificity


Based on the book Cine Studio 33, by Estela Rosa, the article approaches writing as a practice of life to suggest a way of being in the world committed to encounters. Memory, the community and its characters are treated as mobile instances that are re-elaborated from relational dynamics. The poems and the edition of the publication are read as sensitive materialities to propose the notion of “book dramaturgy” and to identify practices of non-belonging that mark unspecificity as a characteristic of contemporary literary production.


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RANCIÈRE, Jacques. O espectador emancipado. São Paulo: WMF Martins Fontes, 2012.

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Dossiê n. 29: Estudos Comparados Hoje

How to Cite

I would never go back there: Writing as a practice of life in the poetry of Estela Rosa. (2022). Revista Crioula, 29, 140-159. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-7169.crioula.2022.197363