From Os Lusíadas to Luzitayonn: An analysis of Canto VII of Camoes’ epic, and its Konkani translation by Olivinho Gomes
Camões, Epic, Translation, KonkaniAbstract
Luis de Camões displayed his poetic prowess in his magnum opus, The Lusiads. The masterpiece is a unique composition, a combination of historical facts and images from ancient mythology, set in exuberant places discovered by the Portuguese. The extraordinary setting, coupled with the author's opulence of poetic imagination, made The Lusiads one of the greatest epics of European literature, with over a hundred editions and translations into more than a dozen European languages (NLR, [S.d.]). This paper seeks to study the translation exercise to an Indian language (Konkani) undertaken by Olivinho Gomes in Goa. Drawing from Gomes’ translation (Luzitayonn published in 2003), our work aims to interpret select strophes from Canto VII of The Lusiads. The strophes that form the basis of this study paint iconic scenes dealing with Vasco da Gama's arrival on the Malabar Coast and move on to a eulogy of the Indian subcontinent. Many scenes are significant and have featured widely in luso iconography. While retaining ideas inherent to The Lusiads, and the flavour of Camões’ epic style writing, Gomes skilfully adapts his translation to the contemporary Indian audience. Through a deft shift of focus away from other ancient civilisations wherever possible, he attempts to (re)place India in the centre of the narrative. Canto VII of Luzitayonn appears to be retold in places through a translator’s Indian gaze. We understand, however, that this is but a feeble attempt, and Camões’ references continue to majorly structure the text.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Loraine Ethel Barreto Alberto, Irene Silveira
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