Perfil socioeconômico, nutricional e de ingestão alimentar de beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família
Undernutrition, Obesity, Food intake, Food insecurity, Family Allowance ProgramAbstract
We studied beneficiaries of Bolsa Família Maceió - AL and found a high prevalence of malnutrition in children (18%) and adolescents (20%), but overweight in adults (51%). Women beneficiaries were 4 times more likely to have abdominal obesity compared to other adults. The vast majority of households (92%) had food insecurity (FI); severe FI was found in 33%. There was an association between FI and larger number of people in the house and unemployment. An increase in the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates and lipids was found in obese women in comparison to other studies. It was found inadequate intake of calcium, folate, vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin C, zinc, riboflavin, thiamine and fiber. These findings demonstrate the need for integrated actions between education / health and income transfer programs.Downloads
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Nutrition and Poverty
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How to Cite
Cabral, M. J., Vieira, K. A., Sawaya, A. L., & Florêncio, T. M. M. T. (2013). Perfil socioeconômico, nutricional e de ingestão alimentar de beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família. Estudos Avançados, 27(78), 71-87.