Produtividade agregada brasileira (1970-2000): declínio robusto e fraca recuperação


  • Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira Fundação Getulio Vargas. Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças
  • Roberto Ellery Jr Universidade de Brasília. Departamento de Economia
  • Victor Gomes Universidade de Brasília. Departamento de Economia



total factor productivity, technical progress, economic growth


This study explores the productivity performance of the Brazilian economy between 1970 and 1998. We assess how much of the TFP downfall can be explained by some departures from the standard procedure. We incorporate to the standard measure utilization of capacity, changes in the workweek of capital, services of capital from electricity consumption, relative prices distortions, human capital, and investment in specific technology. We conclude that the downfall in productivity is quite robust to those specifications. The only case that presents a marked difference from the standard TFP measure occurs when relative prices of capital are corrected. The implications of this finding are a topic for future research.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, P. C., Ellery Jr, R., & Gomes, V. (2008). Produtividade agregada brasileira (1970-2000): declínio robusto e fraca recuperação . Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 38(1), 31-53.