Potentialities of the greimassian narrativity
antropogênese, , tensividade,, drive, thymiaAbstract
Having been the epicenter of Algirdas Julien Greimas’ reflections on Semiotics since its origins, the narrativity is here investigated in three propositive directions: (i) To understand the implicit tensivity in the Greimasian narrative model, from Claude Zilberberg’s heuristic proposals; (ii) to incorporate into narrativity – conceived as the anthropology of human imaginary – the thymic-drive regime, as defended by Jean Petitot; (iii) to suggest the entry of semiotics point of view into the debate over the “great stories of anthropogenesis” – such as the scientific-evolutionary narratives of human species, the humanist narratives of the “human exception”, the phenomenological narrative of “anthropological difference”, among others – to instruct such debate with the proposal of a “semiological narrative” that evidences the fundamental presence and action of language in this anthropogenesis.
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