Modalization and aspectualization: operations of the point of view. The multiple scene of the fall in Segundos afuera, by Martín Kohan
Point of view, Modalization, AspectualizationAbstract
In Greimas’ text Du sens II (1989 [1983]), a central place is given to the reflection on the modalization of discourse. In this paper, we try to show how modalization and aspectualization, central operations of the functioning of discourse, are at the basis of the configuration of points of view in narrative. Thinking about perspective within the horizon opened by Greimas, as well as by other semioticians who collaborated with him, in the cognitive and passional dimensions of discourse, allows us to recognize the scope and importance of points of view in the shaping of meaning. For this purpose, we analyze some fragments of the novel Segundos afuera, by Martín Kohan (2018).
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