Sándor Ferenczi: creative bridges


  • Bernard Gérard Pechberty Université Paris Descartes




trauma, the child within the adult, environments, care and psychoanalysis


This text develops some of Sándor Ferenczi’s major contributions of, present in the last part of his works. Once Freud’s disciple, he takes his independence and develops an innovative reflection on trauma. From this clinic, he describes the essential therapeutic dimension of psychoanalysis, against the dominant intellectualization of practitioners. He gives a new definition of the child’s relationship with adults, different from the Freudian infantile. As consequences of this, the importance of the body in a split subject, the convergence of child and adult psychoanalysis, the practitioner’s new posture and the importance of his training are highlighted. The essential humanizing role of the first environments, of education and transmission also come to the fore in his reflection.


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Author Biography

  • Bernard Gérard Pechberty, Université Paris Descartes
    Psicanalista, Professor Emérito, membro do Laboratório EDA – Education, Discours et Apprentissage


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How to Cite

Pechberty, B. G. (2019). Sándor Ferenczi: creative bridges. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 24(2), 205-216. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-1624.v24i2p205-216