A space for a truth of the experience of transmission?
School of psychoanalysis, Transmission, Truth, Singular, UniversalAbstract
The school of psychoanalysis: the place for the truth of the experience of transmission. All the difficulty of this kind of experience lies in the irreducible uniqueness of the act which necessarily opposes the general, universal truth. We say that the transmission cannot be understood in the school of psychoanalysis other than in the mode of a truth one by one. That is, if the dimension of the real opposes all fancy of universalization.In fact, the very notion of school in psychoanalysis poses a delicate question. Indeed, to consider a school would be to have resolved in advance an a priori of the constituent elements of a transmission which would ensure that this transmission was universally achieved for all. Now, the dimension of loss and uncertainty of what is transmitted in one by one does not allow us to postulate the notion of school other than only-after of what could or could not be transmitted to a given subject. We intend in this text to try to articulate these dimensions in order to question the terms of school and transmission facing a truth that cannot be postulated as a whole.Keywords: school of psychoanalysis, transmission, truth, singular, universal.
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