From the nietzschean morals to the freudian discontents: some approaches and ethical consequences


  • Renee Volpato Viaro Universidade Federal do Paraná; Centro de Estudos e Assessoria em Psicologia e Educação Departamento de Psicologia
  • Luciana Albanese Valore Universidade Federal do Paraná; Centro de Estudos e Assessoria em Psicologia e Educação Departamento de Psicologia



guilt feeling, ethics, interpretation, discontents, moral


The authors consider the works On the genealogy of morals by Nietzsche and Civilization and its discontents by Freud as Modern readings about the role played by guilt feeling on the civilizing process. Some measures (discussed by both authors) taken against the suffering that comes from human socialization are focused as diagnostics of Modern civilization process and its current state. Then, from the issue of ideals, some ethical consequences (concerning psychoanalysis) are placed about the conflict between individual and civilization.


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How to Cite

Viaro, R. V., & Valore, L. A. (2012). From the nietzschean morals to the freudian discontents: some approaches and ethical consequences. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 17(2), 373-395.