Introductorial notes on psychological processes in childhood and adolescence


  • Gustavo Caetano de Mattos Mano Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Laboratório de Pesquisa em Psicanálise, Arte e Política



Clinical practice with children and adolescents keeps releasing questions that renew psychoanalysis. As so, the present essay offers an introductory approach on childhood and youth based on Jacques Lacan's logical time. Working with the lacanian concepts of instant to see, time to understand and moment to end, the authors displace childhood and adolescence, taking it from the status of development stages to conceive them as psychological processes. From that point, the authors debate the matter of structuration, considering, in order to do so, the master-significants reference that guide psychoanalytic psychopathology.


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How to Cite

Mano, G. C. de M. (2013). Introductorial notes on psychological processes in childhood and adolescence . Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 18(3), 446-460.