Plantão institucional: uma modalidade de intervenção face ao mal-estar contemporâneo na educação


  • Ana Beatriz Coutinho Lerner Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Educação
  • Paula Fontana Fonseca Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Educação
  • Yara Sayão USP; Instituto de Psicologia; Serviço de Psicologia Escolar
  • Adriana Marcondes Machado USP; Instituto de Psicologia; Departamento de Psicologia Escolar e do Desenvolvimento Humano



psychoanalysis, education, discontent, institution.


The Institutional Duty is a service provided by the Service of School Psychology of IPUSP for groups of professionals working at the interface of Psychology with the fields of Education, Mental Health and Social Welfare. Our working hypothesis is that providing a space for talks and dialogue for these professionals promotes the mobilization of the desire involved in the educational action, a repositioning of the subject towards the issues raised by work and the expansion of the repertoire of strategies created to cope with the difficulties that emerge in the educational field.


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How to Cite

Lerner, A. B. C., Fonseca, P. F., Sayão, Y., & Machado, A. M. (2014). Plantão institucional: uma modalidade de intervenção face ao mal-estar contemporâneo na educação. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 19(1), 199-208.