The protective role of mentalizing traumatic experiences: implications when entering pareting


  • Karin Ensink Universidade Laval
  • Peter Fonagy Universidade College London
  • Lina Normandin Universidade Laval
  • Nicolas Berthelot Universidade de Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • Marko Biberdzic Universidade Laval
  • Josée Duval Universidade Laval



It is widely recognized that experiences of abuse and trauma in childhood, particularly those that take place in the context of attachment relationships, hamper the development of a fundamental sense of security in relation to others; leaving the victims with a deep sense of loneliness and unbearable affects and pain associated with the trauma that cannot be shared.. When abused children grow up and become parents in turn, they remain extremely vulnerable to disorganization and confusion when facing the helplessness of their children. This leaves them more likely to react inappropriately when affects linked to unresolved trauma are activated. However, as demonstrated by Fraiberg, those parents who are able to face traumatic experiences and so-called "ghosts of the past" have a lower risk of transmitting trauma to their children. This suggests that mentalizing is an important factor of resilience.


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Author Biographies

  • Karin Ensink, Universidade Laval
    Professor of  Child and Adolescent Psychology
  • Peter Fonagy, Universidade College London
    Professor da University College London - Psychoanalysis Unit
    Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology
  • Lina Normandin, Universidade Laval
    Doutoranda na Universidade Laval
  • Nicolas Berthelot, Universidade de Québec à Trois-Rivières
    Professor do Département des Sciences Infirmières
    da Universidade de Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • Marko Biberdzic, Universidade Laval
    Doutorando - Escola de Psicologia
  • Josée Duval, Universidade Laval
    Doutorando - Escola de Psicologia



How to Cite

Ensink, K., Fonagy, P., Normandin, L., Berthelot, N., Biberdzic, M., & Duval, J. (2015). The protective role of mentalizing traumatic experiences: implications when entering pareting. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 20(1), 76-91.