A "calculable man"?


  • Sonia Xavier de Almeida Borges Universidade Veiga de Almeida; Psicanálise, Saúde e Sociedade
  • Simone Costa Faculdades Celso Lisboa; Psicologia




Psychoanalysis, to the extent that it is gaining ground as an explanatory discourse of human behavior and, therefore, social relations, even referring to those in the field of school education, is confronted, at every moment, with the need to think them while records in which the symbolic transmission can and should occur. As linguistic beings, humans can systematize and transmit the constitutive symbolic marks of their culture, in order to find their place in it. The technique and technology, which are part of this legacy, have been prioritized within the various levels of education. This paper argues that education cannot be reduced to them. The symbolic transmission, inherent and necessary to education, goes far beyond a vocational training to teaching/learning technical skills, producing what could be considered a "calculable man".


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How to Cite

Borges, S. X. de A., & Costa, S. (2015). A "calculable man"?. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 20(1), 106-119. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-1624.v20i1p106-119