Darwin’s Expression of emotions in man and animals: some considerations
History of Evolution, Charles Robert Darwin, Konrad Zacharias Lorenz , Expression of emotions, Natural Selection, Inheritance of acquired characteristicsAbstract
The Origin of species (1859) which had six Editions, by Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), is its most known work. However, he also had other publications such as The expression of the emotions in man and animals (1872). In this work, he dealt with behavioral aspects of primitive ancestors of man and other animals, according to the evolutionary mechanisms he proposed in the Origin of Species (1859). The purpose of this article is to discuss some aspects related to it. In this sense, we will briefly comment on its content, translations, editions and some further developments. This study led to the conclusion that The expression of emotions in man and animals was relevant in Darwin’s body of work, considering many prints and translations into the different languages. Furthermore, taking into account the repercussion of the ideas contained in it in sub-sequent studies such as those made by Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) and Nikolaas Tinbergen (1907-1988), contributions to the emergence of the Ethology discipline, focused on the study of animal behavior in the 1960s.
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