Presence, structure, death: Derrida reader of Husserl




Derrida, Husserl, Deconstruction, Sign


The paper discusses Derrida's interpretation of Husserl's doctrine of meaning in Voice and Phenomenon and contrasts it with the semiotic doctrine of the Logical Investigations. To this end, two arguments are raised with respect to Derrida's analysis about the relation between sign and thing and between sign and death. The aim is to show that Derrida's conclusions do not follow from Husserl's premises. With this, it is intended, at least, not only to problematize “deconstruction” as a model for reading philosophical texts, but also to bring it into the philosophical debate itself.


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How to Cite

Guilhermino, D. (2021). Presence, structure, death: Derrida reader of Husserl . Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 26(3), 59-74.