Association of sleep disorders and clinical characteristics of children with cystic fibrosis
Pediatrics;, Sleep Disorders, Cystic FibrosisAbstract
This study aims to verify the relationship of
sleep disorders (SD) with clinical features in children with
cystic fibrosis. This analytical cross-sectional study was
carried out in individuals with cystic fibrosis, who were
divided according to their age: from two to 43 months
in the infants’ group (IG) and from five to 14 years in the
schoolchildren’s group (SG). Information on genotype,
disease severity, and presence of pathogens were collected
from medical records. To evaluate SD, the brief infant sleep
questionnaire was applied in the IG and the sleep disturbance
scale for children in the SG. Nutritional status categorized
the percentiles based on the body mass index. In the
SG, spirometry and pulse oscillometry were conducted.
The chi-squared test was used to analyze the association
between variables, and Spearman’s coefficient was applied
for quantitative variables (p<0.05). In total, 33 individuals
participated in this study, with a mean age of 1.49±1.15 years
in the IG and of 11.38±2.88 years in the SG. In the IG, 72.2%
were eutrophic and 22.2% were prone to SD. In the SG,
low weight occurred in 80% of its members and in 73.3%
in the SD (a mean of 42.27±7.75 in the sleep disturbance
scale for children). An association occurred between SD and nutritional status in the total sample, with SD predominating
in individuals with low weight (p=0.013). this study found a trend
toward SD in this population, especially in underweight children
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Copyright (c) 2024 Karoline Silveira, Thaise Helena Cadorin, Camila Isabel Santos Schivinski

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