Parks, local populations, and cultural ecosystem services
parks, local communities, health, well-being, cultural ecosystem servicesAbstract
This study seeks to comprehend the characteristics of the connections/relationships established by the communities of Catuçaba (São Luiz do Paraiting) and Vargem Grande (Natividade da Serra) with the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM) – Núcleo Santa Virgínia, in order to more accurately shed light on the perceived contributions provided by said protected area in the health and well-being of its inhabitants. The study, of a qualitative nature, involved a bibliographic survey and documentary research, as well as interviews with the manager of PESM and residents of both communities. The results indicate that many of the interviewees recognize that the park offers various ecosystem services, although none admitted visiting the park, especially in view of protocols involving the need to book their visits, the requirement of a guide present on most of the trails, all of which reinforce the chasm separating the area and the locals, compromising traditional leisure practices of the communities and their perceptions about the benefits of the protected areas for health and well-being.
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