The focus of transport in Geography textbooks in Latin American countries




Latin America, Transportation Geography, textbooks


The theme of transportation in Geography textbooks is addressed in different ways. Considering the Latin American countries, the difference in the organization of the didactic collections and the distribution of the contents is decisive for the deepening of the descriptions and debates about the transports in each case. Given these assumptions, this article will discuss the approach of transportation in Geography textbooks in Latin American countries (Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Costa Rica and Brazil), with greater depth in the analysis of Brazilian textbooks, since these differ from the others because they have chapters entirely dedicated to the debates, with broad descriptions about the modes of transport and wide variety of examples in Brazil and other countries. The article has four items, as well as introduction, final considerations and references. The first debate the importance of Geography textbooks. The second makes a theoretical discussion about the Geography of Transport, while the other items address transport in Latin American textbooks to highlight the particularities of the school organization in these countries and their consequences in the textbooks of Geography.


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Dossiê: Diálogos sobre o desenvolvimento e suas abordagens no ensino de geograf

How to Cite

SANTOS, Bruno Candido dos; BAGOLY-SIMÓ, Péter. The focus of transport in Geography textbooks in Latin American countries. GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online), São Paulo, Brasil, v. 27, n. 1, p. e-208371, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2179-0892.geousp.2023.208371. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.