
  • Neli Aparecida de Mello Universidade de Brasília



Bacia Amazônica, Social initiatives, Territorial politics of conservation and sustainability.


The present article approaches social initiatives and the current conditions of its accomplishments in the great Amazon region, including the various “Amazonias” of the diverse signatory countries of the Treat on Amazonian Cooperation. The first aspect of the approach is the valuation of the public territorial politics, in the regional context, related to the conservation and sustainable use of the renewable natural resources; the land marking, registration, homologation of aboriginal territories; formation of local capacities and initiatives in projects of agricultural nestings. As methodological basis, the analysis is founded on the matrix ETPR (Portuguese abbreviation of “State - Tendency - Pressure - Reply), of PNUMA and IUCN, searching to stand out the pressures, trends and answers. However, preceding this, the analysis of the information of the social initiatives, orienting themselves in the visualization of each project, of the involved actors, the used ways and gotten results, being added to this dynamics, the levels and places of accomplishment. The structure of the text, in 3 parts, stands out that the subject is deeply inter-related, where causes results in consequences which transform into new causes. The first part describes with a general characterization of the regional context and how the national situations stimulate it, analyzing the tendency or the favorable context to the joined situation and its direct and indirect causes. The second part analyzes the initiatives accomplished for excellent actors and the experiences that had had success and the chances that the same ones had still been able or can generate. Finally, the issue raised by the problematic of the consolidation, continuity, and politics viability of the process. which goes from the rural (local) to the urban (portion immersed in metropolis), passing through the industrial (neighborhood), can not council the lived dimension.


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Author Biography

  • Neli Aparecida de Mello, Universidade de Brasília
    Doutora em Geografia e pesquisadora do Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Universidade de Brasília e da UMR Territoires et Mondialisation dans les pays du Sud (ENS/IRD).


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How to Cite

MELLO, Neli Aparecida de. AS INICIATIVAS SOCIAIS E DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL NA AMAZÔNIA. GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online), São Paulo, Brasil, v. 8, n. 2, p. 87–109, 2004. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2179-0892.geousp.2004.73957. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.