The Statute of the City and the Urban Reform in Brazil


  • José Borzacchiello da Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará


Palabras clave:

City, State, rights, claims, citizenship


Brazilian Urban Geography incorporated the discussion around the Statute of the City, allowing to reactivate the scientific analysis of the fight for the Urban Reform and to relight the whole theoretical and methodological dimension of the right to the city contained in political practices and mobilizations actions of the Brazilian society in the insistent search for the right of to live and to live worthily in the city, making it just and democratic. The Statute of the City, name as it was well-known Lei 10.257/01, that establishes guidelines of the urban politics and gives other providences, attempts to fasten parameters for application of the chapter of the urban politics of the Federal Constitution, defining beginnings and objectives, action guidelines and instruments of urban administration to be used, mainly, for the municipal Public Power. It also involves, among other subjects, juridical instruments of control of the urbanland speculation, at least in view of attenuate the widespread chaos that has been to live in our cities. The retaking of the discussion around the Urban Reform set up several topics that represent repressed social demands. It evidences the need of a new geographical reading of the city and of the urban which allows its redefinition, as conceiving it while environment, and looking at her for a new sense for agregation life


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Biografía del autor/a

  • José Borzacchiello da Silva, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Professor Doutor Titular da UFCE


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Cómo citar

SILVA, José Borzacchiello da. The Statute of the City and the Urban Reform in Brazil. GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online), São Paulo, Brasil, v. 5, n. 2, p. 9–26, 2001. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2179-0892.geousp.2001.123590. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.