The enterprise design matrix (EDM): a conceptual model for design-insertion-level analysis on enterprise




Innovation routines, Innovation vector, Micro and small enterprises – MSEs


Design is recognized as one of the activities that contribute to competitiveness gains in all enterprises’ scales. With the creation of the Brazilian Design Program (BDP/PBD) in 1995, measures of support to design initiatives took place, aiming to foment and insert the design inside the national productive sector. The objects of this article are the Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE/MPE), favored by such programs focused on design and aimed at competitively. In this paper, a hybrid methodology – that unifies qualitative research of exploratory basis (traditional scientific method) and Design Science Research (that resulted in an artifact, a conceptual model) – was used. Therefore, in this article, an Analytic Conceptual Model is described named Enterprise Design Matrix (EDM/MDE), which represents the design permeability level as a vector of routine-based innovation presenting, then, indicators that comprehend specificities of the MDEs that act on traditional, non-technological sectors. It is proposed that this conceptual model will contribute to the evaluation and identification of design levels as an innovation routines; Innovation vector; Micro and Small Enterprises – MSEs innovation vector at enterprises, MSEs, as well as assist to conceive future scenarios based on their management predisposition to innovate. Stands out that this conceptual model is made out of the author’s thesis and that this article presents its conceptual basis and how to use them. EDM usage can be consulted at the referred thesis.


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Author Biographies

  • Angela Xavier de Souza Nolasco, Federal University of Bahia, School of Fine Arts

    Graduated in Design within UNEB (1997), specialization in Product Design within UNEB (2006) and in Project Management within FGV (2009), masters in Management and Industrial Technology within SENAI Cimatec – EA/UFBA – ITA (2012), and a doctorate in Computational Modelling and Industrial Technology within SENAI Cimatec (2017). Is a Professor and Researcher of Design and Innovation at UFBA’s School of Fine Arts. Was a Design Professor at UFAL (2020-2021). Acts on the research groups “IDEA” (UFAL) and “Cognition, Knowledge and Innovation” (SENAI Cimatec). Was manager of ‘Via Design’, SEBRAE’s National Design Program in Bahia. Was coordinator of SENAI’s Graphic Design and Packaging Core for 10 years. Member of the Design Collective of Bahia (DCB/CDB). Researcher in Design Management, Strategic Design, and Design-Driven Innovation. Realized several projects on Graphic Design, Package Design, and Strategic Design.
    CV Lattes:

  • Renelson Ribeiro Sampaio, Senai Cimatec University Center

    Post-Doctoral (2010/11), held at the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin Madison with Professor Erik Olin Wright. PhD (1986) in Economics of Technological Innovation at the Science Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of Sussex, England. Master (1979) in History and Social Studies of Science - University of Sussex, England. Postgraduate (1974-75) in Mathematical Physics – Brasilia University (UnB), and bachelor’s degree in Physics (1973) - Department of Physics at UFMG. Full Professor and researcher at the SENAI CIMATEC University Centre, Salvador/BA, acting as a permanent professor in the Professional Master's in Industrial Management and Technology, in the Doctorate in Industrial Management and Technology and in the master’s degree and Doctoral program in Computational Modelling and Industrial Technology. Research works on the following topics: Generation and diffusion of knowledge in innovation processes in organizations; Studies on the competitiveness of industrial clusters (Local Production Systems) based on System Dynamics methodology.
    CV Lattes:


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How to Cite

NOLASCO, Angela Xavier de Souza; SAMPAIO, Renelson Ribeiro. The enterprise design matrix (EDM): a conceptual model for design-insertion-level analysis on enterprise: . Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 17, n. 2, p. 261–275, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v17i2.174943. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.