Reliability map: a quantitative method for analyzing the degree of reliability of digital reconstructions of demolished or heavily modified historical heritage sites




Historical heritage, Iconography, Reliability map, Virtual reconstruction


The present work proposes a “reliability map”: a quantitative method that aims to inform the degree of reliability of the virtual reconstruction of a scenario of the past, whose reconstruction started mainly from photographs and maps from previous times. The proposed method is divided into two parts. The first refers to the production flow of the 3D scenario, which includes the collection of iconographic data and the crossing of old maps and photos, with a view to the three-dimensional modeling of the environment. The second concerns the use of an algorithm (produced in the software @Rhino / plugin Grasshopper), which, through the information in the photographs, performs the calculations whose result is a heat map that informs which are the areas that have greater or lower degree of reliability in relation to the researcher's archtectonic and urbanistic hypotheses about what the reconstructed site. Finally, as a way to demonstrate the quantitative methodology, the algorithm was applied in two virtual reconstructions that portray different times in the same place. Largo de Nazaré, located in the city of Belém, was chosen as a case study. The comparison of the results between both periods showed that despite being the same area and the same virtual reconstitution techniques, the maps helped to clarify where each digital model required a greater or lesser degree of deduction, therefore, it proved to be useful to assist readers about which parts are more or less reliable in relation to the records of the past.


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Author Biographies

  • Emerson Bruno de Oliveira Gomes, Universidade de Lisboa

    PhD student in architecture at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), he is an architect and urban planner (UFPA 2004), specialist in Project Quality Management and Management (UFPA 2006) and master in Civil Engineering (UFPA 2009). He has more than 15 years of experience in the development of public and private projects. He is currently an architect for the Public Ministry of the State of Pará.

  • Talita Simão Luiz Araujo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Talita Simão Luiz Araujo. Nascida no ano de 1997, em Belém do Pará. Graduada em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA) no ano de 2020. Mestranda no programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo (PROURB) da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ). Atualmente trabalha no Escritório de Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Paisagismo Simone Simão, em Belém. Tem experiência na elaboração de projetos de arquitetura e interiores.

  • Abner Simões Portilho Ferraz, Autônomo

    Abner Simões Portilho Ferraz. Born in 1996, in Belém do Pará. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of the Amazon (UNAMA) in 2020. He works as a freelancer. He has experience in the elaboration of architecture and urbanism projects.

  • Anna-Beatriz Bassalo Aflalo, Universidade da Amazônia

    Architect and Urbanist, Master in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, specialist in Sustainability of the Built Space at the Federal University of Pará, PhD student in Communication, Languages ​​and Culture at the University of the Amazon. Autonomous designer, Professor and coordinator of the Architecture and Urbanism course at the University of the Amazon, Regional Councilor at the Architecture and Urbanism Council of CAU / PA.


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How to Cite

GOMES, Emerson Bruno de Oliveira; ARAUJO, Talita Simão Luiz; FERRAZ, Abner Simões Portilho; AFLALO, Anna-Beatriz Bassalo. Reliability map: a quantitative method for analyzing the degree of reliability of digital reconstructions of demolished or heavily modified historical heritage sites. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 17, n. 1, p. 219–237, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v17i1.183924. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.