Indian Time (video - dossier Intersecting Eyes)


  • Carl Morasse La boîte rouge Vif, Quebéc, Canada



First Nations, Quebec, Canada, Movie


Since 2010, La boîte rouge Vif (Chicoutimi, Quebéc, Canada), has been compiling over 300 hours of visual material from the four corners of the province of Quebec, in collaboration with the 10 First Nations and of the Inuit of Quebec. Given the sheer quantity of the material acquired, only 1% of all the testimonials and of the images collected have been shown within our realisations, which are primarily found in museums. The main motivation behind creating the film "Indian Time" is to offer, to those witnessing, an insight of the richness of the footage collected, offering the First Nations a voice and an opportunity to raise the awareneness of the greater public, and to its own community members.


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Author Biography

  • Carl Morasse, La boîte rouge Vif, Quebéc, Canada

    Carl Morasse works and teaches in Chicoutimi, Canada. Ethnographer filmmaker for the indigenous cultural organization La Boîte Rouge Vif since a dozen years, he travels the physical and imaginary territories of Québec fascinated by the cultural identities, the relationship with the Other and the contemporary issues. His artistic approach led him to consider the practice of the documentary as a tool of identity reappropriation.





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Morasse, Carl. 2018. “Indian Time (video - Dossier Intersecting Eyes)”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 3 (1).