From hallucination in the clinic to the hallucinatory vision of the image: an ethnographic journey




Ethnography, Image, Alzheimer’s disease, Haunting, Experience


Following the threads that compose Alzheimer’s disease, including the lines of flight, became the trajectory shaping the course of my doctoral research. Here, I demonstrate this ethnographic journey through the lines and images with which I wove the disease as a field of experiences and disputes, in which it manifests as a diagnosis, a mode of subjectivity and an aesthetic simultaneously. From medical consultations to deliriums, from medicine to shamanism and the viewpoint of those with dementia, the images opened me up to other ways of seeing and narrating the disease. Along this journey, an ethnographic proposal emerged. What did Alzheimer’s disease reveal to me about doing anthropology – and vice-versa? How did the passage between living the disease and telling others about it help me envisage my own passage between living the field and its retelling? Since as Alzheimer’s disease was gradually being composed, so too was an ethnography.


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Author Biography

  • Daniela Feriani, Universidade de São Paulo

    Daniela Feriani is postdoctoral fellowship in Anthropology at University of São Paulo (USP), PhD (2017) and Master (2009) by the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). She is a researcher in the Group of Visual Anthropology (GRAVI / USP) and the Anthropological Laboratory of Graphic and Image (La'grima / Unicamp). She studies the composition of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias as diagnosis, experience and aesthetics from autobiographies, blogs, photographic essays, videos, gestures and metaphors. E-mail:


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Dossier Arts and anthropologies

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How to Cite

Feriani, Daniela. 2019. “From Hallucination in the Clinic to the Hallucinatory Vision of the Image: An Ethnographic Journey”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 4 (1): 14-49.