File and images: heuristic and visual issues on the disclosure of Etienne Samain’s Kamayurá File




Files, Photographs, Methodology, Experimentation, Anthropology


This article presents some considerations on the methodological results, as well as the results from a visual experiment developed during an anthropological research, whose ontological challenge was to open a 500 photographs file that was asleep for almost four decades. The file with images portraying Kamayurá indigenous persons from Alto Xingu, belonging to the personal file of the anthropologist Etienne Samain, was inquired in light of its own condition of silence and the imperative of privileging, in the first place, the act of looking at and listening to the images. In this article, the reader will learn the methodological course traced, following part of its results from a double experience carried out with this photographic file – the researcher’s and the file producer’s. Thence, it is possible to examine the visual experimentation of the Images Poetic Charts, the construct of an experience of visual assemblage with the file photos.


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Author Biography

  • Fabiana Bruno, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Fabiana Bruno is PhD in Multimeios (IA-Unicamp) and researcher accredited by the Department of Anthropology-IFCH of Unicamp, institution where she completed her postdoctoral degree in Anthropology Social. Co-founder and researcher of LA’GRIMA IFCH/Unicamp (Anthropological Laboratory of Image and Graphic). Capes Award for Best Thesis in the area of Applied Social Sciences (2010) with the research Photobiography: For a Methodology of Aesthetics in Anthropology, oriented by Professor Etienne Samain. Expertise in curatorial actions and organization of exhibitions and photo books in partnership with Ateliê Fotô and Fotô Editorial, in São Paulo. E-mail:


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Dossier Arts and anthropologies

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How to Cite

Bruno, Fabiana. 2019. “File and Images: Heuristic and Visual Issues on the Disclosure of Etienne Samain’s Kamayurá File”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 4 (1): 50-72.