About Presences

Essay film





Free musical improvisation, Audiovisual ethnography, Virtual interactivity, Sensorial studies, Performance


This essay addresses questions about the creation process of the short film Presences and its influence on the research I develop on sensory aspects and physical presence in free musical improvisation. To develop this study, I employed virtual communication platforms to improvise and submit musical improvisation pieces to the internet, to then locate elements that clarify discussions and promote new perspectives on this matter.


Author Biography

  • Fabio Manzione, Universidade de São Paulo

    Researcher, musician and artist-educator. He has a doctoral degree in Music/Musical Creation Process from Universidade de São Paulo (USP); he is a Master in Jazz Studies from Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), a degree in Music and Music Education from Faculdade Santa Marcelina; and a specialization in classical percussion from EMESP. He completed his international exchange at USP / Universidade de Aveiro, and held scholarship granted by the Jazz Messengers Project at the Jazz Studies Centre of the Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal). Currently, he is part of the Orquestra Errante, Duo Coz, Ñembo Quarteto and the Trio Mámomã - groups that research free musical improvisation. He is also musical director of Enfim (+1) Cia. de Teatro and co-founder of IMO Coletivo - a group that creates performances based on the relationship between various artistic languages. Since 1999, he has worked as an artist-educator in institutions with differents political-pedagogical projects. E-mail: fabio.manzione.ribeiro@usp.br


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Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Manzione, Fabio. 2020. “About Presences: Essay Film”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-3123.gis.2020.162299.