Among Relatives, who?





Indigenous peoples, Acampamento Terra Livre, Relatives


This is a review of the short film Entre Parentes (Among relatives) directed by Tiago de Aragão, from the Universidade Federal de Brasília, which placed second in the Pierre Verger Award at the 31st Brazilian Meeting of Anthropology. Following the paths that the filmmaker travels and observes, we are provoked by scenes of an ongoing war that evokes places and positions. There is no middle ground in war, and the context itself says so – the end of April 2017, one year after the impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, which removed the first elected woman in Brazil’s history. The same occasion when Brasília received the 14th Acampamento Terra Livre, having been the largest collective mobilization between the indigenous peoples of Brazil and their allies.


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Author Biography

  • Amanda Signori, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Bachelor in Social Sciences at Universidade Federal de São Paulo. She is currently a master’s student in Anthropology at the same institution, whose studies cross gender and ethnology perspectives. She also acts as an indigenist. Email:


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T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Signori, Amanda. 2020. “Among Relatives, Who? Review”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1).