Visual Artefacts in political demonstrationss: an essay about mutations in the modes of subjectivation and political action between 2013 and 2018

Photographic essay




Photography, Subjectivation, Visual artifacts, Social movements, Activism, Sao Paulo


This essay explores a certain aesthetic-political configuration in a photograph of a street rally on June 20, 2013, at Paulista avenue, São Paulo. This image heralds a distribution of the sensible (Rancière, 2005) in movement, that will be explored through a collection of photographs of street protests from 2013 to 2018. Those images trigger countless questions about a new geometry in the forms of political representation, and about the changes in the modes of subjectivation, indicating disputes over the compositions and distributions instituted in the forms of contemporary political action.


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Author Biography

  • Henrique Z. M. Parra, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Associate Professor in the Social Sciences Department and Graduate Research Program at the Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Technology, Politics and Knowledge (Pimentalab); researcher at the Latin American Network of Surveillance, Technology and Society Studies (LAVITS), and
    member of Tramadora Collective.


PARRA, H.Z.M. Jornadas de Junho: uma sociologia dos rastros para multiplicar a resistência. Revista Pensata, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UNIFESP. V. 3, n. 1, ano 3. 2013. ISSN: 2237-678X. pp.141-150.

PARRA, H. Z. M. (Org.); TIBLE, J. (Org.); SCHAVELZON, S. (Org.); ALBUQUERQUE, H. (Org.); MORAES, Alana (Org.); GUTIERREZ, B. (Org.) . Junho: potência das ruas e das redes. 1. ed. São Paulo: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2014. v. 1. 256p . Disponível:

RANCIÈRE, Jacques. A partilha do sensível: estética e política. Tradução Mônica Costa Netto. São Paulo: Ed. 34/EXO, 2005.





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Parra, Henrique Z. M. 2020. “Visual Artefacts in Political Demonstrationss: An Essay about Mutations in the Modes of Subjectivation and Political Action Between 2013 and 2018: Photographic Essay”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1).