The anthropologist filmmaker and the native actor/author: transformations of Oumarou Ganda and Petit Touré in Moi, un noir, by Jean Rouch




Jean Rouch, Performance, Body, Native, Author


This article presents an analysis of the performatic and bodily dimension of Oumaru Ganda’s and Petit Touré’s characters in Moi, un noir, by Jean Rouch (1958). More than analyzing camera angles, character speeches and editing, it is proposed to emphasize the interpretation of the performatic dimension, looking at bodily gestures and facial expressions, as well as at Omarou Ganda’s and Petit Touré’s voice-off impostation. On the one hand, understanding how performatic and bodily dimensions of Ganda and Touré create a particular mise-en-scène enables us to view them as native actors/authors. On the other hand, analyzing the spaces available for Ganda’s and Touré’s creative interventions in the filmmaking will bring new aspects to the considerations on the construction of anthropological knowledge, through the relation between Rouch and his interlocutors.



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Author Biography

  • Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Professor of Anthropology at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Bachelor of Social Sciences and PhD from the Universidade de São Paulo, USP (2007). He was a FAS Fellow at Harvard University (USA). Currently, postdoctoral fellowship in Anthropology at Universidade de São Paulo on visual anthropology and anthropology of perception. He is author of the book Grande Otelo: um intérprete do cinema e do racismo no Brasil (UFMG Publisher), organized the collection Marcadores sociais das diferenças: fluxos, trânsitos e intersecções (Cegraf-UFG Publisher) and published articles that articulate the theme of intersection between race, gender, body and sexuality in the trajectories and performances of cinema actors and actresses. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima. 2020. “The Anthropologist Filmmaker and the Native Actor Author: Transformations of Oumarou Ganda and Petit Touré in Moi, Un Noir, by Jean Rouch”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1).