Gaze sensitivity - about the importance of photography in the academic training of the anthropologist




Photography, Field research in Anthropology, Eye awareness


In this text, I try to associate anthropological field research to the photographic act itself, showing what is common in these two activities: the need for clipping, proximity, intimacy and empathy, the decision about what will or will not be in focus. From my experiences at the Escola de Arte Brasil: I talk about the awareness of the gaze, the need to create repertoires and the opportunity that photography offers to change the focus - from the verb to behavior, the body, the gestures, the details about which it is not always possible to speak. I also try to emphasize the association of photography with the narrative that Walter Benjamin talks about, the ability of both the narrative and the photography to welcome the experience of those who hear or contemplate it.


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Author Biography

  • Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, Universidade de São Paulo

    Anthropologist, Full Professor at the Department of Anthropology ath the Universidade de São Paulo,  Professora Titular no Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Coordinator of LISA - Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology and GRAVI - Visual Anthropology Group. Researcher 1B from CNPq (301161 / 2018-6) and FAPESP (2018 / 21140-9). E-mail:


Benjamin, Walter. 1996. “O Narrador – Considerações sobre a Obra de Nikolai Leskov”. In Magia e Técnica, Arte e Política – Ensaios sobre Literatura e História da Cultura de Walter Benjamin. Obras Escolhidas, Volume 1. São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense. 197-221.

Conrad, Joseph. 2019 [1902]. Coração das Trevas. São Paulo: Ubu.

Martins, José de Souza. 2008. Sociologia da fotografia e da imagem. São Paulo: Contexto.

Xavier, Ismail. 1990. Cinema, Revelação e Engano. IN O Olhar Org. Adauto Novaes. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. 367-383.

Coppola, Francis Ford. 1979. Apocalypse Now. Estados Unidos.

Lanzmann, Claude. 1985. Shoah. Paris, França.





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Caiuby Novaes, Sylvia. 2021. “Gaze Sensitivity - about the Importance of Photography in the Academic Training of the Anthropologist”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 6 (1): e-179923.