The Actor-Network Theory as a tool for the social review from the film Her
Cinema, Her, Technology, Actor-Network Theory, Sociology of associationsAbstract
Technology is usually seen as impersonal and lifeless, and it loses these characteristics in the cinematographic work "Her". The film takes us to unusual lines of reasoning. This essay uses the film "Her" as a pretext to propose a look at new ways of relationships in contemporary times, ways that unite human and non-human actors for the production of a collective, in the Latourian sense, beyond society. This collective has as a social product the hybrid actor / actant, in the proposal to visualize the union in the same context of humans and technologies. Thus, I propose the use of the cinematographic work of director Spike Jonze, as an audiovisual field capable of producing in the reader an image on the proposed Latourian theme: new social, hybrid actors, mediation, collectives, interaction between human and non-human. As a theoretical basis, the essay moves through concepts extracted from the Actor-Network Theory (TAR).
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