Live like an eagle: a sensitive approach to the trajectory of a Cuban immigrant in Canada




Senses, Perception, Sensory approach, Sensorial anthropology, Visual anthropology


This paper proposes a review of the film The Eagle, directed by anthropologists Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier & Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji. It focuses on the contributions of the sensitive approach of the trajectory of a Cuban immigrant in Canada, Miguel Aguila, provided by the use of audiovisual tools. It aims to reflect on the potential of the senses and sensitive perception in the exercise of analyzing social life, and more specifically the issues related to migration, illness and other lived difficulties. It highlights how, by relying on the associative, sensitive and imagetic dimensions around the figure of an eagle, the audiovisual tools can help to expand the field of observation but also the forms of writing the research. They constitute an important contribution in obtaining elements and nuances that escape immediate attention. The sounds and images also allowing a fine reconstitution of these nuances.


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Author Biographies

  • Marciglei Brito Morais, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    MARCIGLEI BRITO MORAIS is a nurse and historian, currently PhD student in Collective Health at the Institute of Collective Health at the Federal University of Bahia, and has a CAPES study grant (2020-2023), master in Education by PPGED/UESB (FAPESB Scholarship). Her research interests include Collective Health, more specifically global health, social participation, health education, human rights and health, social vulnerability, collective health nursing education. She has teaching experience in higher education, technical education and basic education. E-mail:

  • Lais Chagas de Carvalho, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    LAIS CHAGAS DE CARVALHO is a nurse, PhD student at Collective Health at the Institute of Collective Health, master in Community Health (ISC/UFBA) and professor at the UFBA School of Nursing. She has experience in the area of Nursing with emphasis in Collective Health and Mental Health, working mainly on the following topics: Mental Health; Mental Health Nursing Work; Psychiatric Reform; Psychosocial Clinic and Health Education. Member of the research group GERIR (Research Center in Policies, Management, Work and Human Resources in Nursing and Collective Health), of the Núcleo Docente Estruturante (NDE) and the Center for Psychosocial Support (NAPP) of the UFBA School of Nursing. E-mail:

  • Marina Rougeon, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    MARINA ROUGEON is an anthropologist, PhD from the University Lyon Lumière (France) and post-doctorate from the University Laval (Canada) and the Superior Normal School of Lyon (ENS - France). Since 2018, she is a visiting scholar at ISC/UFBA and a researcher at FASA/ISC. She is also a researcher associated to the laboratory Environment City Society (UMR EVS) in Lyon (France). She conducts research in Brazil and in southern Europe in the areas of visual anthropology, environment, religions, and health. She is the author of books and scientific articles dealing with theoretical, methodological and epistemological issues related to themes such as: discriminations (racism), relations between the social, the senses, and the affections, relations to forms of invisibility (religions, environmental risks, diseases), and writings of anthropology. E-mail:


Gélard, Marie-Luce. 2016. Anthropologie sensorielle en France, un champ en devenir ?. L’Homme [Em linha].

Laplantine, François. 2005. Le social et le sensible. Introduction à une anthropologie modal. Paris: Téraèdre.

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T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Morais, Marciglei Brito, Lais Chagas de Carvalho, and Marina Rougeon. 2022. “Live Like an Eagle: A Sensitive Approach to the Trajectory of a Cuban Immigrant in Canada”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 7 (1): e191170.