Reparative memory: addressing amnesia, performing trauma

[Tradução de John C. Dawsey]




Performance, Trauma, Reparative memory


Since the onset of Covid-19, many of us have had to deal with the trauma of loss — the lives lost, the livelihoods that have disappeared, the environmental destruction, the assumptions about social and political responsibility. Without pitting individualized experiences and treatments of trauma against collective ones, I propose here that performance-based reparative memory practices and trauma-driven performances offer victims, survivors, and activists ways to address the global/ local repercussions of the pandemic that also, indirectly,
help us imagine livable futures.


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Author Biography

  • Diana Taylor, New York University

    Diana Taylor is a Performance Studies and Interpretation Studies’ professor and in the Spanish Department at New York University. She is the award-winning author of several books, including Theater of Crisis (1991), Disappearing Acts (1997), The Archive and the Repertoire (2003), Performance (2016) and ¡Presente! The attendance policy (2020). Her books have been published in several languages, including the Portuguese version of Arquivo e repertório, published by Editora da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in 2012. Taylor was the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics’ director, which she helped create in 1998. She was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship and received many other important awards. In 2017, Taylor was the president of the Modern Language Association, being admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences the following year.


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T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Taylor, Diana. 2023. “Reparative Memory: Addressing Amnesia, Performing Trauma: [Tradução De John C. Dawsey]”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 8 (1): e205060.