Performative journeys for the reenchantment of Mundos (Worlds)




Performance, Creative process, Body-memory, Presence, Nature


In this study, we discuss the work Mundos and the process of its creation by the collective Teatro do Instante, linked to the Department of Performing Arts at University of Brasília. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, this creative work was reconfigured to occur without the artists’ physical copresence, a factor that had initially been considered crucial. The interdict unfolded in an exploration that involved not only research on the poetic possibilities and synchronous presence on digital screens but also on immersive taletelling into the screens of our minds. We experienced different ways of being together temporally across different distances with and without the intermediation of screens in practices such as shamanic journeys, tele(em)pathetic dialogues and experiments, automatic writing flows, dream recordings, consultations, and oracular creations. We revisit and share some traces of this two-and-a-half-year process that constituted what eventually became the film work Mundos.


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Author Biographies

  • Alice Stefânia Curi, Universidade de Brasília

    Alice Stefânia is an actress and director. She has a postdoctorate in Performing Arts at Unicamp and PhD in Performing Arts from theFederal University of Bahia. Professor at the Department of Performing Arts and in the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the University of Brasília. She coordinates the Poéticas do Corpo research group and is an artist-researcher for the collective Teatro do Instante. She has articles published in books and periodicals in the area of the arts, has published the book Traços e devires de um corpo cenético by Editora Dulcina, and participated in the organization of the book Poéticas do corpo: Instantos em cena for Editora UnB. E-mail:

  • Rita de Almeida Castro, Universisade de Brasília

    Rita de Almeida Castro is an actress and director. She has a postdoctorate in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP and a PhD in Anthropology from theUniversity of São Paulo. Professor at the Department of Performing Arts and at the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the University of Brasília. She coordinates the Poéticas do Corpo research group and is an artist-researcher at the Teatro do Instante collective. She has published articles in the field of anthropology and arts and the book Ser em cena. Flower in the wind. Ethnography of hybrid looks and participated in the organization of the book Poetics of the body: instants on stage, both by Editora UnB. E-mail:

  • Giselle Rodrigues de Brito, Universidade de Brasília

    Giselle Rodrigues de Brito is a choreographer, actress, and director. She has a PhD in the Arts from the University of Brasilia. Professor and Head of the Department of Performing Arts at the University of Brasília. Since 2004, she has coordinated the Núcleo Experimental em Movimento in partnership with the actor Lupe Leal. She is part of the Teatro do Instante collective as an actress and director of movement. Director of the company BasiraH – Dança Contemporânea for 15 years and responsible for setting up more than 20 shows in the dance and theater sectors. E-mail:


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Dossier Worlds in Performance: 20 Years Napedra

How to Cite

Curi, Alice Stefânia, Rita de Almeida Castro, and Giselle Rodrigues de Brito. 2023. “Performative Journeys for the Reenchantment of Mundos (Worlds)”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 8 (1): e208275.