U-Pb (LA-ICPMS) ages in zircons from the Santa Maria de Itabira and São José da Safira pegmatite districts (Minas Gerais): contrasting populations in the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province?
U-Pb Dating, Magmatic Zircons, NYF-Pegmatites, LCT-PegmatitesAbstract
The Santa Maria de Itabira (DPSM) and São José da Safira (DPSJ) pegmatite districts are classically part of the Eastern Brazil Pegmatitic Province (PPOB), although lacking geochronological data in regional terms. This study presents new U-Pb dating (LA-ICPMS) of zircons extracted in three pegmatites from these districts (Ponte da Raiz, Jaguaraçu, Ipê). Zircons from the Ponte da Raiz Pegmatite (DPSM), considered magmatic, provide a robust concordia-age at 1675 ± 5 Ma, indicating crystallization compatible with the anorogenic magmatism of the Borrachudos Granitic Suite (~1.7 Ga). Zircons from the Jaguaraçu Pegmatite in the same district, are metamictic, providing a younger age at 508 ± 19 Ma, which may represent post-collisional hydrothermal manifestations in the Araçuaí Orogen. Zircons of the Ipê Pegmatite (DPSJ) show a concordia-age at 467 ± 5 Ma, interpreted as the age of the body, a similar age to the large majority of other pegmatites from the orogen. These data, combined with the mineralogical atributes of the studied pegmatites/districts, show that the DPSM is characterized by berylliferous pegmatites rich in fluorite, amazonite and topaz, belonging to the NYF (niobium-yttrium-fluorine) family; they are of Statherian-age and represent residual magmas from granites of the Borrachudos Suite. In contrast, the DPSJ constitutes a pegmatite district of the LCT (lithium-cesium-tantalum) family, whose pegmatites come from residual magmas of late-orogenic (post-collisional) granites of the orogen. In a broader sense, such data to be confirmed, the DPSM should be separated from the PPOB, although the quartz-feldspathic hydrothermal deposits rich in emerald/alexandrite that occur in its geographic area are related to a late-hydrothermal episode of Brasiliano age.
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