About the Journal
Focus and scope
The journal Interface Communication Review has institutional links with the Study Group on New Narratives/GENN of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo, and arises from the need to expand the field and area of studies on new perceptions, creations and uses of the concept of narratives. In this way, the magazine's mission is to group, organize and disseminate knowledge and reflections on contemporary narratives, with emphasis on the fields of Organizational Communication, Public Relations, Publicity and Propaganda, Journalism, Cinema, Tourism, History, Social Sciences and Sciences of Information, in addition to the constant interface with the fields of History, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Administration, Arts, Literature, Law, Human Rights, Public Policy, Law, Museology, Architecture and Design.
In its editions, works by specialist researchers, MS’ and PhDs interested in the topic and whose objective is to broaden the discussion on new forms of narrative in place of communicational speech are accepted. The texts must follow the following categories: articles, reviews and interviews. The content is of sole responsibility of its authors and submitted to ad hoc consultants. Any publication of submitted works will depend on their presentation within the editorial norms and on favorable opinions from the Editorial Board of the journal.
The goals of Interface Communication Review are: to expand the area of studies on new perceptions, creations and uses of the concept of narratives; to group, organize and disseminate knowledge and reflections on contemporary narratives; and to offer an interdisciplinary approach that is in constant exchange with other areas of human knowledge.
Semi-annual publication in online format.
Open access policy
This journal will offer free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides the greatest worldwide democratization.
Privacy policy
The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or third parties.
The journal will use the Portal of Journals of University of São Paulo (USP), managed by AGUIA - Portal of the Integrated Library System of University of São Paulo (SIBiUSP) -, to create an environment useful to file sharing between participating libraries, allowing the creation of permanent journal records for preservation and restoration.
The journal uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS, a free open-source system developed with support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License, for the administration and publication of its issues.
Copyright statement
Submission implies the assignment of rights for the first publication of the article submitted to Interface Communication Review, on a pro bono basis, that is, without payment or exchange involved, if it is approved after the reviewers have evaluated it.
The authors may subsequently establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal, with due acknowledgment of its initial publication in the Interface Communication Review.
The authors remain aware that readers may use this article without prior request, as long as the sources and authorship are mentioned. Readers are not authorized to use this article for reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes.
Normative direction
The journal will meet all the technical standards required by ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), according to ABNT NBR 10520:2002 (Information and Documentation - Citations in Documents) and NBR 6023:2018 (Information and Documentation - Reference).
Thus, the rules of editing, publication of articles, bibliographic references, citations and other items necessary for the preparation and publication of a scientific journal will be observed, in addition to the Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language (decree No. 6,583).
Free and thematic scientific articles, as well as reviews and interviews will be accepted. The opinions expressed in the published articles are the responsibility of their authors.
Rules for sending scientific articles
The Interface Communication Review accepts for evaluation and subsequent publication after approval the following types of collaboration:
- a) Original article: when it presents new themes or new approaches to the issue of narratives;
- b) Interviews; or
- c) Reviews: when it presents a review and comments on a recently released work relevant to the focus of the magazine.
- Articles
The journal accepts unpublished scientific articles, written by PhDs, MS and specialists. Master's students and specialists can only submit articles in partnership with PhDs. The article must be between 30,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces; in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5 cm. Abstracts must be sent in English, in Times New Roman, size 10, with up to 250 words. It must be accompanied by three to five keywords in English. Any footnotes should be part of the body of the text. Right below the title of the work, it is necessary to include the full name of the author and possible co-authors, with a note containing resumes of up to 300 characters with spaces each. A template containing more formatting information is available to authors and should be used as a basis for sending scientific articles.
- Reviews
Reviews should be done in the form of critical works on recently released publications in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It is expected that the author-reviewer will discuss and deepen the reflection presented in the evaluated work. In this category, there is no restriction on author titles mentioned for unpublished articles. The work must have its own title, different from the title of the revised work, containing the reference to the cited work. It must contain from 3,000 to 12,000 characters with spaces in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5 cm. Abstracts must be sent in English, in Times New Roman, size 10, with up to 250 words. A template containing more formatting information is available to authors and should be used as a basis for sending reviews.
- Interviews
The interviews must be applied to unpublished texts in Portuguese, English or Spanish that contribute to reflections related to the new narratives. It must have up to 30,000 characters with spaces, in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5 cm. It must also contain a brief biography of the interviewed with up to 10 lines.
Texts will be received in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Title, abstract and keywords by Brazilian authors must be in Portuguese and English.
Title, abstract and keywords by authors from other countries must be in the original language.
The journal will be responsible for translating these topics into Portuguese.
Article submission and evaluation process
Guidelines for authors
The Interface Communication Review accepts contributions from professors and researchers who are doctoral students, PhDs, MS’ in Communication and related areas. Master's students’ and specialist’s works will be evaluated, as long as they are submitted in co-authorship with doctors.
- The text in Portuguese, English or Spanish must be unpublished in a Brazilian journal. If it is being evaluated by another journal, justify in “Recommendation to the Editor”.
- Articles must be between 30,000 and 40,000 characters with spaces. As for reviews, up to 12,500 characters with spaces.
- The document must be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 cm spacing, following ABNT standards.
- The abstract must contain up to 500 characters with spaces. It must be written in Portuguese and English, typed in Times New Roman font, size 10, followed by three to five keywords (also in Times New Roman font, size 10).
- Illustrations (tables, figures, photos and other visual elements that are important for understanding the texts) must be sent in separate and identified files (exemple: Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, etc.), indicating the text and location where they should be inserted. Its identification appears at the bottom, preceded by the designative word, followed by its number in order of occurrence of the text, in Arabic numerals, of the respective title. The illustration must appear as close as possible to the text to which it refers. The source must be placed immediately below the table to indicate the authority of the data and/or information in the table, preceded by the word “Source” and a colon (“:”). To cite videos, they need to be available on online digital platforms.
- Digital images, graphs and tables must be in the body of the text. In addition, they must be sent as supplementary documents in .jpg format with a resolution of 150 dpi.
- The attached file must be sent in .doc or .docx extension. The size limit is 2MB.
- Signed articles, images, audios and/or other media sent are the responsibility of the author(s).
- The explanatory notes must be presented at the foot of the page, in size 10, with the numbering following the order of appearance. Citation sources must be identified within the text (source, year and citation page).
- Bibliographic references must be included at the end of the text following the ABNT norms in force at the time of submission.
- The identification of authorship of the text must be removed from the body of the text and also from the file, accessing the menu “Properties” in Word, so that the confidentiality criterion of the journal is preserved in the peer review process (double blind review).
- A template containing more formatting information is available to authors and should be used as a basis for sending scientific articles, interviews and reviews.
Submission of works
Papers in electronic format must be sent within the deadline of the call of papers provided for in the Interface Communication Review through the journal's portal available at: https://www.revistas.usp.br/interfaces. The author must register and fill in the form with his/her information. At the end, it is necessary to select the option "Register as – Author” to be able to submit to the journal. After completing the registration, the system will provide instructions for carrying out the transfer of the work. The Editorial Committee may contact you via e-mail from the electronic addresses registered by the author(s) and/or co-author(s).
Online submissions
Registration in the system and subsequent access, through login and password, are mandatory for the submission of works, as well as for monitoring the ongoing editorial process.
Peer review
The opinion of Interface Communication Review will be given as follows: the proposed content will be forwarded to two experts and ad hoc referees, members of the Editorial Board, in a double-blind evaluation format. If the opinions are opposite, a third opinion will be requested. The anonymity of authors and reviewers will be maintained at all stages. The article may have the following assessments:
a) recommended for publication;
b) recommended for publication with changes; or
c) rejected for publication.
Rating criteria
The original texts sent for analysis will be submitted to two members of the Editorial Board to issue an opinion that evaluates the article based on quality credits, methodology and adequacy to the objectives and standards established in the rules of the Interface Communication Review. In case of two favorable opinions, the text is eligible for publication, as well as two unfavorable ones invalidate it. If one opinion is favorable and the other is unfavorable, the text will be taken to a third consultation. Those responsible for the evaluation will be designated by the Editorial Committee according to the line of research and the theme developed by the author. All authors will receive detailed information about the evaluation process of their text, which can be accepted, accepted with changes (alterations or additions) or rejected.