La «Cortegiania» e la «Cortesana Filosofia»: B. Castiglione e B. Gracián


  • Maria Teresa Ricci Université François Rabelais - CESR – Tours



Baldassare Castiglione, Cortigiano, cortigian, Gracián, courtesan philosophy


This article compares cortigian, that is polite men’s refined behavior philosophy proposed by Baldassare Castiglione Il cortigiano and courtesan philosophy which is present in Gracián’s work. Both writers, who lived in different countries and places, have very different philosophical, anthropological and religious principles. They are different either as literary the point of view or theoretical approach. The first offers a new social behavior model related to the private court structure in the beginning of modern era while the latter proposes explicitly to create a «prodigy», an «artificial man» who could face illusionary reality and could survive in a hostile world. Somehow, he announces the traditional order society transition in which each one has their own place since they are born to «abstract individuality»


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Author Biography

  • Maria Teresa Ricci, Université François Rabelais - CESR – Tours
    Ha un master in filosofia e dottorato in letterature comparate. È docente di lingua e letteratura italiana presso l’Université François Rabelais - CESR – Tours, Francia. Ricercatrice associata al Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Reinassance, i suoi interessi di ricerca sono in particolare la letteratura e il pensiero e la società italiana del Cinquecento e Seicento; l’uomo di corte e la società cortigiana e i trattati in Italia e nell’Europa dello stesso periodo. Tra le diverse pubblicazioni, si ricordano Figures et langages de la marginalité aux XVIe et XVIIe siècle (2013) e Du cortegiano au discreto. L’homme accompli chez Baldassar Castiglione et Baltasar Gracián. Pour une contribution à l’histoire de l’honnête homme (2009)






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How to Cite

Ricci, M. T. (2013). La «Cortegiania» e la «Cortesana Filosofia»: B. Castiglione e B. Gracián. Revista De Italianística, 25, 36-50.