Voglio essere io a dire come mi chiamo: nome e paradigma identitario nella letteratura italiana della migrazione


  • Vera Horn Universidade de São Paulo




Italian migration literture, Identity, Alterity, Name


On coming across the other and the society, that welcomes them, migrants are led to renegotiate and redefine their concept of identity; often torn, disowned, diluted in this showdown. In this sense, the name, that is one of the aspects of the complex issue of identity formation as a result of migration proceses, becomes a means to reaffirm and safeguard personal and cultural identity against the loss that can occur during the process of social insertion and integration that sometimes attempts to rebaptize migrants. Migration literature in Italy, which already relies on a consistent production spanning over twenty years, dwelt on this problem in the course of its evolution as seen in recent tales and novels mentioned below.


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Author Biography

  • Vera Horn, Universidade de São Paulo
    Mestre em Língua e Literatura Italiana pela Universidade de São Paulo/USP, está cursando o doutorado em Italianísitca na Universidade de Pisa.






Literatura italiana e emigração

How to Cite

Horn, V. (2008). Voglio essere io a dire come mi chiamo: nome e paradigma identitario nella letteratura italiana della migrazione. Revista De Italianística, 15, 147-160. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.v0i15p147-160